GelaSkins Wallpaper Club

Welcome to the GelaSkins Wallpaper Wednesday Club!

Get Tara McPherson's Wallpapers

Bubble Space download link, opens in new tab     Icy Waters download link, opens in new tab

Bubble Space & Icy Waters by Tara McPherson

Get Callen Schaub's Wallpaper

Download 'Breaker' digital wallpaper by Callen Schaub     
Breaker by Callen Schaub

Get Andy Kehoe's Wallpaper

The Unnatural Order of Stillness by Andy Kehoe


Click or tap the images above and save them to your phone. Scroll on for instructions on setting wallpapers for iPhone users. Did you know you can set your phone to shuffle through several images? Pretty cool. Read on for the How-To.

Pro tip: Photo Shuffle

iPhone Users

  1. Make sure your phone is up-to-date (iOS 16)
  2. Settings > Wallpaper
  3. Add New Wallpaper
  4. Select Emoji. Just kidding, that's dumb.
  5. Select Photo Shuffle and then choose those two beautiful new images from Ninola and you're all set.

Android users can set rotating wallpapers using Google Photos 5.22 or newer using the "Memories" section.